Your Augusta Dentist
Our doors are always open to welcome new patients who are ready to receive the best in dental care. With our array of dental services, it’s no surprise we are regularly expanding our family of patients. If you are interested in becoming a new patient, please call our office at (706) 869-9966. We are skilled at treating patients from all dental backgrounds and make every effort to ensure your appointment is as comfortable as possible. We provide superior care to get you onto the path of improved dental health.
Don’t wait for the smile you’ve always dreamed of – call our office today!
New Patients Are Welcome!
We understand that your first visit to the dentist can feel overwhelming and we try to accommodate all new patients with a comfortable and organized facility.
Our staff has taken the steps to prepare you for the first appointment by providing a full spectrum of the services we offer and the option to complete our new patient form prior to your visit. Our goal is to cover everything you need with a full and efficient assessment, but without waiting to see the doctor.
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